Updating beans on www13
Here is the procedure Nick had to use on the development machine (www13) to test the changes he was making to the Beans. Thanks to Ben and Nick for working this out.
sudo -u quarkcat /bin/sh
source ~quarkcat/setenv.sh
cd ~quarkcat/sw/i2u2cvs/cosmic/
ant deploy -Dtpjars=~quarkcat/sw/i2u2cvs/cosmic/src/jsp/WEB-INF/lib
one of the problems was the build file was not owned by quarkcat, and
so I didn't have permission to run it. To check and see who owns the
file, use:
ls -l /sandbox/quarkcat/sw/i2u2cvs/cosmic/src/java
And then to change ownership to quarkcat, use:
sudo chown -R quarkcat /sandbox/quarkcat/sw/i2u2cvs
-- Main.LizQuigg - 21 May 2007