Rollout Procedure

Pick a time and date that is reasonable for rollout - late as night, weekends, TBD Set up a page notifying "Site down for maintenance". Should aways be available (even though Tomcat /Databases/etc go down)

"Maintenance Friendly Time Frame": Friday 5PM Hawaii to Mon 8 AM NY.

Notify Marge about this.

Setup the email list to reach the users. Bob will likely compile the list.


Tibi work out with Bob some more tests. - off-line

Get Tom J to send some test cases for the Perl code in Cosmic, to benchmark/improve execution.


Allocate funds for backup hardware Marge suggest that UFlorida might contribute, or maybe Fermi would share some resources

Development environment for developers

Live Tomcat server Development servers Try using first using the Argonne development machine.

-- Main.TiberiuStefPraun - 28 Mar 2007
Topic revision: r2 - 2007-03-28, TiberiuStefPraun
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