Present: Mihael, Tibi, Liz, Bob, Tom Jordan, Mike Wilde

Problem at UIC - Memory Leak?

Mihael thinks that the problem was caused by a memory leak. It used up all the physical memory, but there was disagreement on how much of the swap space was used. Mihael is going to look and see if the memory leak fix in VDS has been installed. Liz suggested maybe restarting Tomcat at night. We specfiy it should use a maximum of 1 Gig. It does not start with that much. VDS allocates memory that it never frees up.

Adding RAM to www11 might help. Should we be replacing the machines with updated machines? Mike is going to ask systems to price out the cost of new memory.

Load Balancing

At the beginning of the discussion, it looked like the load-balancing would be put off because Mihael's refactoring should help with the problems we have been having and Tibi had other projects he needed to work on. The problem is two-fold: execution time and search time. Execution will be addressed with grid execution, but search needs to be improved to address the long search times. After comments from Bob and Tom regarding the performance of the server during workshops, we decided Tibi will try testing load-balancing on July 2 and 3 with the goal that Tibi can replace the main entry point with the load-balancer. Tibi needs two full days to work on this. In the meantime, LIz and Bob will try testing the load balancing version by using the URL:

Aside: Mihael is worried with about the time it takes to maintain four machines instead of one. Mihael suggests using three of the other machines, not www11.

Mihael's Work

Mihael thinks he should be able to get his version deployed in production mode in 6-10 weeks (without the grid execution). Two weeks of focused coding to finish various topics. Extensive testing - prepare for production. Swift version installed and get things running on the grid. Documentation for e-Lab writers; model e-Lab Conversion of the CMS code (Tibi for analysis) ; Mihael will look at CMS and fix the CSS.

-- Main.LizQuigg - 27 Jun 2007
Topic revision: r4 - 2007-06-27, LizQuigg
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