Meeting Notes for 30 Oct

Present: Ken, Bob, TomJ, Edit


  • Data4: data2 was replaced yesterday by data4 with the help of Dan Olson from systems at Argonne.
    • Edit will perform more testing with the activities that are done in a workshop to make sure all the functionality works. Ken suggested: blessing, uploads, flux, performance and posters.
  • WordPress Log:
    • This site will be shut down. We will all make a decision as to when after we discuss this with Liz.
    • All this functionality will probably be moved to Drupal and the links on the i2u2 website will be replaced with the new ones.
  • Reset Password:
    • Edit will modify the code to allow for resetting password or attempting to retrieve account from email address.
    • Edit will contact systems at Argonne to get an email address.


  • Threshold times:
    • Edit will send Tom spreadsheet with all the PERL number calculations and precision questions.
    • Briefly discussed bugs 427 and 511. Edit made small changes to the code so it doesn't break when it finds some exceptions (such as missing metadata or missing physical file).
-- Main.EditPeronja - 2013-10-30
Topic revision: r1 - 2013-10-30, eperonja
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