Meeting Notes for 22 Jan
Present: Ken, Bob, Liz, Edit, TomJ
- Data 2: Edit will remove all the data transferred to data 4 except for LigoTools and Ligo data.
- Next steps for the e-Lab: we will organize a meeting in April to discuss upgrades/updates to the existing web app.
- Threshold Times: Edit will review the code to make sure changes for bug 459 are in.
- Benchmark:
- Discussed all the steps prior to rolling out the changes to production.
- Estimated date for rollout: Jan 31 2014.
- Autobless scripts: Tom will review the code.
- Documentation: Bob will work on it.
- Future milestone: see if we can create the .bless file for the legacy data and checked if these files should be blessed.
- Swift libraries: follow up with Mihael regarding the updates he was going to work on.
- Purdue-Java code:
- updates to the code are available for download and testing.
- need to test code in Windows enviroment.
- Failed uploads: Edit will look at the *.meta files in the server to investigate what might have happened.
-- Main.EditPeronja - 2014-01-22