Meeting Notes for 15 Oct
Present: Bob, TomJ, Ken, Liz, Edit
- Blessing:
- Tom and Edit will work with recreating the .bless files and analyzing the results.
- Issue 639: Tweaks to blessing plots:
- Bob will have a look at the updated code on 13 and give feedback.
- Other cosmic updates to code (upload by streaming, interactive plots):
- We will get back when we are done with the solving the blessing problem.
- Ken and Bob talked about problems Ken might be having with collecting data with the RPi.
- Also, we all discussed about the possibility of shipping the RPi with the DAQ.
- Bob and Liz reported about a meeting at Fermi about a new idea regarding sending the detectors (to maybe a center for a project) and then getting them back after a period of time. Bob will start a discussion with the fellows about this option.
- Glossary and references:
- Ken will review doc file sent by Edit and give feedback.
- i2u2 Hardware:
- Edit has been following up with systems at Argonne. No date has been set yet.
-- Main.EditPeronja - 2014-10-20