Meeting Notes for 7 October
Present: Bob, Mark, Liz, Ken, Tom, Joel, Sudha, Edit
- Wiki references:
- Sudha is working with Liz, Marge and Ken to get these moved to Drupal and then reference them from the e-Labs.
- Joel's first assignment:
- Work with the new HelpDeskRequest code.
- Data Search:
- Will modify the quick searches to include the 3 months worth of data in the default search.
- Google map and detectors:
- Have color reference for current year uploads and older uploads.
- Geometry:
- Add google maps to the geometry page.
- Flux Analysis:
- Blessing:
- Review code that wipes out error messages when people choose benchmark files.
- Cosmic interactive plots:
- Performance and Flux: Bob will try to get feedback from the fellows.
- Lifetime and Shower: we will discuss these in the future. We will define what we actually want from interactive plots for these analyses.
- Time Of Flight:
- Mark will review the functionality.
- Bob will try to get Martin involved in order to write a tutorial.
- Priority Queue:
- Bring the code back to development for testing.
- Gracefully deal with out of memory conditions with shower results problem:
- Edit's working with this code. Soon it will be in the development site for testing.
- Step by step and tutorials:
- Bob and Mark will review these for Performance, Flux and Lifetime and give feedback to Sudha.
-- Main.EditPeronja - 2015-10-07