Meeting Notes for 4 May
Present: Joel, Sudha, Mark, Liz
Cosmic Ray
- Sudha put updates to the geometry page on i2u2-dev. Liz had some feedback, but Sudha request more from the other developers.
- Marge and Dave are currently meeting with a lawyer about IP issues for the cosmic ray DAQs. Expect an update next week.
- Sudha will manually fix errant GPS entries for people who haven't responded to emails. She'll add new geometries to the account rather than mess with existing data.
Sudha and Ken worked on CMS updates, including a new interface. No word on the new event display until Ken returns.
Student projects
Ruth Pordes (Fermilab Open Science Grid) has contacted Mark about a project for a group of local high school students. She was interested in programming experience and suggested something involving Swift and the OSG. Consensus was that any project involving the e-Lab code will be unproductive, since we don't use the Grid and we use Swift sparingly and with little documentation.
Sudha suggested that they might enjoy learning data analysis techniques using the Raspberry Pi DAQs.
-- Main.JoelG - 2016-05-11