Meeting Notes for 15 February
Present: Liz, Ken, Sudha, Joel
Kevin couldn't attend but sent notes:
- QuarkNet's rough draft of basic front page layout looks good
- Xeno Media is working in development and bringing the theme together with the system
- XM will be busy for the next week, after which they will show the dev merger
- We deployed to production this past weekend (Feb 10/11). Joel's Δt additions to the Shower Analysis caused an unusual JSP error that he couldn't fix in-place, so those were reverted. He'll work on figuring out what the deal is.
- Having the servers repaired did not shorten the lengthy analysis times for examples used in the Cosmic tutorials. We'll need to work on identifying a more streamlined data set for the Lifetime material.
- The latest round of upgrades to CIMA will go live today.
- Tomorrow (Feb 16) at 9PM EST, we will stress-test the new CIMA by simultaneously accessing it with as many users as possible. If you'll be available to help, let Ken know.
- Fixing the LIGO e-Lab is progressing. Long story short: Joel thinks maybe we're not implementing the LIGOtools file-to-stream conversion packages properly.
Fermilab meetings
- Mark will not available to meet with Sami any time Feb 15-19. Sudha contacted him to confirm when he'll be available.
- Sudha, Mark and Joel will meet with Matt Bellis at Fermilab at 1PM CST on Friday, Feb 24 to learn about and discuss collaboration with his outreach project Particle Physics Playground.
-- Main.JoelG - 2017-02-15