Cosmic | LIGO | CMS | i-Lab | e-Lab Requriements |
x | x | x | x | Use authentic data for scientific investigations that students design. |
/ | / | / | NA | Have common components []: |
x | x | x | Project Page - general overview | |
x | x | / | NA | Teacher Pages - common required format and information |
x | x | / | NA | Student Pages - common navigation and required sections with open design |
x | x | / | x | Support collaborative learning. |
/ | / | / | / | Support common learner outcomes in addition to specific e-Lab content LOs. |
x | x | x | x | Require only a browser for school-based users. |
x | / | / | / | Have capabilities for data access, processing and publishing and for reporting results (and some for data upload). |
? | ? | ? | Have grid-based analysis code and administrative tools based on the SWIFT infrastructure. | |
x | / | / | Have searchable metadata associated with data and data products (plots, posters). | |
? | ? | ? | Use virtual data tools and techniques. | |
x | / | / | Use common infrastructure for educational scaffolding (milestones, logbook, references). | |
/ | / | / | Support a virtual community of learners with online discussion forums, document storage, wiki-like interactive publishing and help desks. | |
x | x | Offer professional development workshops to help teachers become effective users. |